Business Valuation

Business Valuation

Marketing & Consultant Services, Inc. provides Certified, Up to Date Valuations for your Business or Company.

Expert Business Appraisers

Our experience with many types of closely held businesses, not only as a Business Appraisal and Business Brokerage, but also with experience as a buyer, operator, and seller, provides the basis to find and evaluate all of the elements that contribute to or detract from the value in each business. We believe the appraisal process is both a science and an art that need to be combined to properly determine the value.

What is your Business Worth?

The answer to that question can affect your most important decisions. Marketing & Consultant Services, Inc. provides a full range of Asset Valuations Services, Business Consultation Services, business valuation services.

Why do I need a Business Valuation?

  • Business Sellers

  • Business Buyers

  • Divorce

  • Succession Planning

  • Business Planning

  • Estate Planning

  • Estate Tax Purposes

  • Partnership Buy-Out / Sell-Out

If you are in need of any of the business planning or implementation strategies listed above, then you need a business valuation.

How do I get a Business Valuation?

A Business Appraisal or Business Valuation starts by defining the purpose and use of the Appraisal. Next is the process of understanding the Business: what it is, what it does, and the Income and Cash Flow it produces. Various approaches to valuing a business will be used.

  • Asset Approach
  • Income Approach
  • Market Approach

Within each Approach, there are a number of different Valuation Methods that will be selected and used as appropriate under the circumstances.

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